Kauai is truly a place full of unexpected surprises. The drive along the steep cliffs of the North Shore was beautiful beyond words. The twists and turns of the road next to the cliffs were a testament to the driver’s skill. We managed to get to the visitor centre just before sunset, only to be told it was closed! Kindly talk to the management to see if she could be flexible and let us drive to the parking lot. We didn’t expect her to agree! Unfortunately, as soon as we parked the car, there was a sudden gust of wind and a torrential downpour. Since we were near the cliff, I was a little scared and told Ken that we should drive back to our place immediately.
Ken took the opportunity to get out of the car to look around and explore the road leading from the parking lot to Kee Beach. Once again, the weather was unpredictable, less than a minute after Ken got out of the car, the dark clouds came back and then the storm started again. I anxiously called Ken on my cell phone to ask him where he was, in order to bring him an umbrella. But then all the bad luck came together and my cell phone had no signal at all, so I lost contact with him completely. There wasn’t any food to eat in the car. Looking out of the window, it was as dark as the end of the world. I was starving as I watched an old couple in the car next to me nibbling on the bread and snacks they had prepared beforehand. However, since I couldn’t reach Ken, I didn’t have any mood for eating.
I thought Ken was lost in the apocalyptic storm. To my surprise, he made it back to the car safely and without getting wet! He told me there was no rain on the way to the beach because there were towering trees along the paths as a shield from the heavy rain. It was unbelievable! I immediately grabbed my camera, as it was almost too late to catch the sunset. We walked as fast as we could through the woods to Kee Beach, the sun was setting. It was the most beautiful sunset I’ve ever seen, everything was so peaceful – the cool breeze, the choppy sea, and the sunset reddening the entire sky.
This was the miracle after the storm! I have to marvel at God’s amazing creation . Even though it got dark after sunset and we ventured on a two hour winding drive by the cliffs to get to our lodging, the experience was so precious. I think we will definitely return to Kauai at some point because it is an incredibly magical place.
我以为Ken迷失在末日般的狂风暴雨中。没想到,他安全地返回车上,而且身上没有被淋湿!他告诉我去海滩的路上没有雨,因为到处都是参天大树保护了小径,所以行人淋不到雨。简直太难以置信了!我立即拿上相机,因为已经快赶不上日落了。我们以最快的步行速度穿过一片森林到达凯艾海滩。太阳已经开始落下。这真是我见过最美的日落,一切都那么宁静 – 凉爽的风,波澜不惊的海面,落日染红了一整片天空。
Most impressive attraction 🙂