Waimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii


Waimea Canyon, also known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific, is a large canyon located on the western side of Kauai. There are several lookouts where you can enjoy nice overlook of the canyon from various perspectives. But be warned that due to elevation it can be cooler and the winds can sometimes be strong, please check forecast ahead of time.

Waimea River, with help from the extreme rainfall on the island’s central peak, Mount Waialeale — one of the wettest places in the world — helped to erode the Waimea Canyon over time.

When visiting Waimea Canyon in northwest Kauai it’s almost hard not to notice two-tier Waipoo Falls dropping some 800ft into the Canyon below. Our first glimpse of the falls was at the Waimea Canyon Overlook, past mile marker 10 on Highway 550. Both the canyon and the falls are spectacular from this lookout.


贯穿峡谷的河道是怀梅阿河,在岛中央威亚莱莱山(Mount Waialeale 世界上最潮湿的地方之一)极端降雨的作用下,随着时间的推移,逐渐蚀刻出怀梅阿峡谷的河道。

两层的威波瀑布Waipoo Falls引人入胜,落入下方的峡谷约800英尺。我们对瀑布的惊鸿一瞥是在位于550号高速公路上10英里处的怀梅阿峡谷观景台上(Waimea Canyon Overlook)。在这个位置看到的峡谷和瀑布十分壮观。

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